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Align your identity with your vision and become an empowering creator of your business and life?


Imagine living on purpose in abundance and guilt-free!

Imagine becoming a more relaxed and self-confident version of you.

You wake up feeling worthy experiencing all the wonderful things you dream of.

Imagine being able to enjoy your life without feeling burnt out. You finally stop self-sabotage. Taking action feels easy and joyful.



This offer is for you, if you are an ambitious woman who desires to have a bigger impact, while

prioritising your needs and

reaching for your wildest dreams.

Aligning with our identity, we improve not only the quality  of our businesses, but also our own lives.

When we discover our true values and align our business and private life with them, we change the world for the better.

During 3 months you will


Identify your true values and check if your business is aligned with them.


Identify your limiting beliefs and find the way to transform them.


Learn the strategies to help you stop sabotaging yourself.


Take a close look at your choices and realign them with your values.


The conscious change that will impact not only your business, but all your life.

Mindset is something that we treat as unimportant (or less important) in our business. We focus on clients, products, posting on social media etc. We focus on earning money. When we look for the sources of our failures, we do not consider ourselves as one of them. We complain about the clients, economics, and expensive ads.

The fact is that the way we behave (conscious or unconscious) has a source in mindset and can be the reason for defeats in the business.

Kasia as a coach invites you to take a closer look into daily habits, unconscious choices, beliefs, feelings. To go deeper and discover what stands behind your behaviour and understand yourself better. And to start the conscious change that will impact not only your business but all your life.


Business Management Consultant

It is priceless to meet such a supportive guide on your way.

Full of good energy and understanding, discreet, impossible to be led astray. Kasia is able to recognise the key pain points and beliefs hidden even from ourselves and skilfully transforms them, leaving you feeling empowered.
For me, working with Kasia was an unforgettable experience, challenge and quite an unpredictable emotion. 

Agnieszka Szeffel

I highly recommend this course to successful ambitious women, who know they are capable of more

“I definitely recommend this course especially when You feel something is blocking You from Your goals and it is hard to detect exactly what. I was able to spot my limiting beliefs and fears and make friends with them and thus transform into positive excitement rather than something to be held back by. I highly recommend this course to successful ambitious women, who know they are capable of more, yet feel somehow stuck in a self-sabotaging moment in their growth journey.”

Agnieszka Gaczkowska

Podcaster/Architect/Founder of OPLOTKI.pl

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I do love your copy and the energy that I get when reading your emails. Beautiful.” Nadine

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As a Motivational Speaker, Business Identity Coach and Mindset Transformation Mentor, my passion is to empower women and men around the world, so that they can have a bigger impact serving their community.

I was raised in Poland; most of my adult life I spent in England, and in 2015 I made a brave decision and moved to Denmark.

For many years I lived trapped in my own insecurities, living in fear and sorrow. I was attracting pain and harmful relationships into my life.

Despite my successful career as an interpreter, I was feeling exhausted, unworthy, used and unfulfilled. Those feelings and the belief that life can be different, made me embark on the dynamic journey of self-discovery.

I have spent over 20 years studying psychology, seeking inspiration, working with coaches, and applying all that knowledge to my own life, to finally break free!

During my transformational journey, some of the biggest blocks I removed were guilt, unprocessed anger, and the feeling of unworthiness. Learning the power of forgiveness, self acceptance and UNCONDITIONAL self-love have truly changed my life and allowed me to start a loving family.

Having found my freedom, my dream is for you to discover the power of inner power and courage to reach for your wildest dreams, while feeling authentic.
My goal is to inspire and motivate, so that there are more women who fill their lives with true joy, serving others with purpose.

You have been such an integral part of my own transformation.

 Working with Kasia feels like stepping into the next version of self. She holds a loving and honest space in which I am able to see where I am limiting myself all the while she uplifts and encourages me to see where I am in my power. I always feel seen, heard, and understood with Kasia and deeply appreciate the perspective and mentorship she brings to our coaching sessions. Thank you for all you have given me Kasia!! You have been such an integral part of my own transformation.


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